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Kalahari Jewels:

A Botswana Adventure


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

- Albert Einstein

The Kalahari is a vast unforgiving wilderness. However, life cuts through the ancient, wooded dunes and barren landscape – sometimes escaping, but sometimes being swallowed up the thirsty sands. From space a jewel-like shimmer alludes to the oases that are the river systems of northern Botswana: rivers that nurture Nature in all its forms and glory.


KALAHARI JEWELS: A BOTSWANA ADVENTURE sets out to discover Nature along the shores, in the swamps and on the palm-studded islands of the Chobe, Linyanti and Okavango rivers. This is Grant Nel’s home and with Last Chance Safaris’ small private group safaris, his expert guidance will bring you into the world of Botswana’s famous wildlife.

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The safari begins on the banks of the Chobe. An enigmatic river that is host to some of the best elephant viewing on the continent.


Centuries-old footpaths have led herd after herd, year after year, to the thirst slaking waters and fertile floodplains of the Chobe.


Sit quietly as matriarchs and babies pass by – intent on their water sports and mud spas and not caring who is watching.

Enroute to the next jewel, a light aircraft flight will give you a bird’s-eye-view, and some indication of just how vast the wilderness of northern Botswana is.


Linyanti is the next stop – unspoiled and untamed, this private reserve delivers an exclusive wildlife experience seemingly just for you!


Prey and predator have danced to the tune of survival along the Linyanti swamps since time immemorial and it has become one of the best places in Africa to witness that performance.

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The world-renowned Okavango Delta beckons. You will explore both the northern and southern reaches of this watery world with day and night drives, but also sometimes on foot, and sometimes by wooden ‘mokoro’ canoes.


The Okavango’s reputation as a wildlife stronghold is well earned so you can expect to be spellbound by both the animal encounters and exceptional beauty of the Kalahari’s crown jewel.

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